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Use It or Lose It (5): 10 Romanian-language Exercises

Ilinca Stroe

Fresh from the oven: this month’s dose of Romanian-language practice includes a new batch of 10 mixed-level exercises which will put your mind to good work in the language brain gym. We hope you can fly through them! Steady, go! (Answer key at the end.)

1. Which option best fits in the gap?

„Aş vrea ca bunica …… o prăjitură.”

A. să facă

B. să face

C. a face

D. să găteze

2. What’s the missing word?

„…… vrea să ne viziteze, dar nu ştie când ne găseşte acasă.”

3. Which reply is the best?

„Gata, mă duc să mă apuc de lucru!”

A. „Noroc!”

B. „Spor!”

C. „Poftă mare!”

D. „Sănătate!”

4. Order the words to make up a question:

ţi- | cine | Mara | spus | a | că | plecat | a | ?

5. Which option best completes the sentence?

„…… am spus copiilor despre spectacolul de duminică şi au fost încântaţi.”

A. I-

B. Lor

C. Îi

D. Le-

6. Put the letters in the correct order to get a strong positive adjective we use to describe progress, news or a show: “niţozalensa”

7. Which word is different in the group?

A. vesel

B. fericit

C. deprimat

D. binedispus

8. Which word is missing from the sentence?

„Uite magazinul de …… mi-am cumpărat bluza aceasta.”

9. Which option best fits in the gap?

„Eu am ştiut adevărul, dar nu ...... l-am spus, fiindcă n-am vrut să te întristez.”

A. îţi

B. ţi

C. te

D. la tine

10. Find the most common positive Romanian adverb in this string of letters: sumovanbinecretelnic

International House Bucharest, through its Romanian Language Department, runs online and face-to-face Romanian courses and cultural integration workshops for foreigners living in Romania or interested in the country’s culture, language or history. For more information, click here. To enrol, contact And to follow our video series “Your Romanian Class”, subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Answer key

1 A; 2 Gina/Tata/etc. (any subject); 3 B; 4 “Cine şi-a spus că Mara a plecat?”; 5 D; 6 senzaţional; 7 C; 8 unde; 9 B; 10 bine.


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