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Ilinca Stroe

Use It or Lose It (7): 10 Friendly Exercises to Practise Your Romanian

Grammatical tidbits, useful everyday phrases, much needed question words and the most common positive or negative adjectives – review them all going through these 10 accessible intermediate-level exercises. So that you keep your Romanian prim, trim and going. Ready? Steady? Go! (Answer key at the end.)

1. Which reply is the best?

„Nu crezi că am dreptate?”

A. Da.

B. Ba da.

C. Cred.

D. Dreptate!

2. Complete the word with the missing letters.

„Ai fost promovat ca Marketing Manager? Ce veste ­_ x _ r a _ _ d _ _ _ r _!” ­ ­ ­

3. Which word is different in the group?

A. aragaz

B. fotoliu

C. cuptor

D. frigider

4. What’s the missing word?

„…… dintre vecinii tăi are o Dacia roşie?”

5. Which option best fits in the gap?

„Acesta e muzeul pe care ni …… recomandă Maria.”

A. -l

B. le

C. îl

D. lui

6. Put the letters in the correct order to get the name of something we need in order to survive and which... is best served at your mom’s! ;)

e c m a r â n

7. Which reply is the most appropriate?

“Azi mi-am luat permisul de conducere.”

A. “Baftă!”

B. “Casă de piatră!”

C. “Să fie într-un ceas bun!”

D. “Poftă mare!”

8. Complete the word with the missing letters.

„Florin nu e niciodată punctual şi nu se ţine de cuvânt. E un om total n _ s ­_ r _ _ s!”

9. Which reply is the most appropriate?

„Vă deranjează dacă mă aşez aici?”

A. Da.

B. Cu plăcere.

C. Deloc.

D. Nu prea.

10. Put the words in order, to re-make the sentence:

dulciurile | am | şi | că | îţi | ştiut | plac | nu | ţie

International House Bucharest, through its Romanian Language Department, runs online and face-to-face Romanian courses and cultural integration workshops for foreigners living in Romania or interested in the country’s culture, language or history. For more information, click here. To enrol, contact And to follow our video series “Your Romanian Class”, subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Answer key

1 B; 2 extraordinară; 3 B; 4 Care; 5 A; 6 mâncare; 7 C; 8 neserios; 9 C; 10 “Nu am ştiut că şi ţie îţi plac dulciurile.”


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